※ Related Timeline, please check your NTU email.
※ Degree Examination Routine [Document>Forms>Degree Examination]. Please pay attention to the required documents.
※ Graduate students intending to graduate this semester (including those who have passed the degree examination but have not submitted their thesis) are required to follow the steps below and submit the documents to the program office by Application deadline.
◉ MUST enroll in the course named “Thesis (M.S) “
◉ Finish the Academic Research Ethics Course and print out the Certificate of Completion.
◉ If you have enrolled in courses from other departments and wish to count them as graduation credits, please submit the " Application Form for Enrolling in Courses from Other Departments and Requesting Graduation Credits Approval " at least 2 weeks before applying for degree examination.
◉ Please visit Myntu>Online Application System for the Oral Thesis/Dissertation Defenses and print out the paper application.
◉ Academic Achievement Record for Graduate Students (Can print it out and check with the program office)
◉ Academic Transcript
※ Turnitin:
◉ All students have been enrolled in the course. Please check your NTU email, find the Turnitin system mail, and follow the instructions to reset the password. You may also refer to the Turnitin GuideBook.
◉ For each assignment (e.g.,Thesis Original Comparison check 1), you are allowed to perform the similarity check up to three times within a single day.
◉ Regarding the upper limitation on the percentage of thesis similarity, please refer to the " Guidelines for Theses or Dissertations Quality and Evaluation " (accessible on the program website>Document>Guidelines).
◉ Please write down your final similarity check result on the " 學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison ". The sheet with the advisor’s signature must submit to the IC office before starting the graduation procedure.
◉ The Similarity Check Report provided by the system does not need to be submitted to the office. However, it is recommended that you print it for future reference and record-keeping.
◉ NTU Theses/Dissertation Submission and Graduation Procedures
Graduate students should follow NTU electronic thesis format and the printing of hard copies.
*Note: Students should reserve time for the library to review the electronic thesis format and for printing the hard copy thesis.
※ Please download and use the respective forms directly from the website or the below links.
For detailed procedures and explanations, refer to the IC Examination Routine.
◉ 外系選修、通識課程擬採計為畢業學分申請表 Application Form for Enrolling in Courses from Other Departments and Requesting Graduation Credits Approval [Documents > Graduation]
◉ 應屆畢業生成績審核表Academic Achievement Record for Graduate Students。
◉ 論文口試時間調查及審查委員會名單 Oral Exam Date Survey & Committee Member List。
◉ 碩士口試委員審定書Thesis Acceptance Certificate_ATGS
◉ 學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison。
◉ 國立臺灣大學教務處碩博士學位考試申請系統 Degree Examination Application System
◉ 臺灣大學電子學位論文提交系統 The Thesis Submission System.
◉ 國立臺灣大學研究所博士暨碩士學位考試規則Rules Governing Thesis/Dissertation Defense