2021/JAN. 15
【 NTU OIA Virtual Fairs 】For International Students_Office of International Affairs

Jan. 15, 2021
『 2021 OIA Online Info Session 』
You can expect to get a full picture of National Taiwan University in a four-day online event. There will be students sharing experiences, college tours, and English-taught programs overview online. If you are still pacing whether joining the NTU community, then hop on the online tour!
Also, the program manager of Global ATGS and MPB will be online as well, if you want to know two programs' information in one day, the OIA Online Info Session will be the perfect choice for you.
◉ Event Date:February 1st to February 4th, 2021
Global ATGS & MPB:February 4th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 n.n.
◉ Check out here for more information: